Friday, December 18, 2009

it's a big, beautiful world

The earth has so many wonderful, interesting places to visit. I like where I live ... I enjoy my home and this great city I've just moved to ... but I love travelling.

I've been lucky enough to see a little bit of South America, a smidgen of Europe, much of North America ... and there is so much more of the world I hope to see.

Travelling is an opportunity to escape and take a vacation from the ordinary. It's a chance to experience other cultures and to see exotic places.

One of the best things I love about travelling is coming home with a better perspective. We are lucky to be living here ... we are very well off compared to many other places in the world, and we should be thankful for all we have. Travelling also is a wonderful reminder that we are part of a much bigger picture ...

We have many reasons to be happy and thankful, and it seems that as time goes on I keep discovering more ...

Happy Holidays
: )

Saturday, December 12, 2009

winter's here

This week Ottawa received it's first significant snow of the season. I didn't mind ... it helps put me in more of a Christmas spirit. I love how mother nature forces me to stay fit too ... shovelling snow can be a great way to burn off a few calories, and it's nice to have an opportunity to work out more of my upper body for a change.

I'm glad I was born and raised in the Canadian prairies ... the winters there have prepared me for pretty much anything as far as extreme cold.

I remember playing hockey as a lad in Saskatoon ... early mornings at the outdoor rink in the cold Saskatchewan winters. My dad had the heat cranked in the car afterwards ... there were some pretty frosty hockey practices.

I bought another snow shovel today at Canadian Tire. We now have about 5 shovels in the garage, if I'm not mistaken. The big scoop, the little one in Janice's trunk, the metal scoop, the smaller one thats for digging and the newer plastic one now, for pushing snow.

I don't mind winter so much. I have learned over the years how to drive properly with the Canadian winter road conditions. I know what wind chill is, how to dress in layers and leave as little skin as possible exposed in extreme weather. I know what black ice, a block heater, lock de- icer is. (Don't laugh - there are many, many people in the world who have never heard these terms.)

Everything just takes more time and patience in winter ... what with the extra clothes and adjusting to stopping distances on roads.

This will be my first full winter in Ottawa, and I hope mother nature will be kind ; )

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I want, I want

This time of years tends to bring out a part of me that wants to buy buy buy. Maybe it goes back to childhood, and years of "What do you want for Christmas" from loved ones.

Advertisers are doing a great job of course, cranking up the Christmas Purchasing Power Machine. The sales are everywhere, and it's tough to resist some of the deals.

Black Friday ... Cyber Monday ... Christmas Sales, Clearance Sales, Deal of The Day... There are bargains to be had. The challenge is not getting sucked into that Holiday consumerism vortex ...

I think most of the time, I'm a fairly savvy consumer. I usually look for sales, know my prices, use coupons and reward programs. This time of year, it's tough to not want to spend money on some of those nicer goodies.

I want a new computer - a Mac; I want a new camera - around the $500 range; I'd like a new TV, a new stereo ... I want, I want ...

Do I really need any of those things? Of course not. I can make do with the stuff I have now. I will exercise self - discipline and be good.

Janice and I have agreed to skip the exchanging of the gift thing at this time of year, and instead - our gift to each other is our Christmas Vacation. We've agreed that travel for us is more of a priority than "stuff", and it's nice not to have worry about what to buy for the other person. If we need something we buy it.

Christmas had become a stressful, pressure filled shopping, gift exchanging thing a while back for both of us, with the crowded malls and the crazy traffic ... this works much better for us right now.

Christmas is not about gifts ... not the material ones, anyway
; )

Saturday, November 28, 2009

self image

How we think of ourselves is a funny thing. Things such as life experience and gender can make quite a difference in our perspective.

Women can often be very hard on themselves. The images shown in media certainly can contribute to the average female feeling inadequate. It's been my experience that far too many women struggle with self esteem, and unfortunately sell themselves short.

Kids, with their wonderful honesty, often struggle with who they are in the world. At the younger ages they can be like sponges ... soaking up all the bad things that might be said about them.

As I get older, I am more at peace with myself than I was long ago. I remember parts of the journey that brought me to where I am today, and am grateful for for the people I have been lucky enough to know. I remember feeling lost ... wondering who I was, and what was my place in the universe.

I've heard it said that there are three realities: How we see ourselves, how other people see us, and how we really are.

I don't have all the answers these days, but I do feel like I at least belong.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

living wisely and well

When I left my job in Winnipeg a year ago, I knew I was taking a chance.

I had secure job at a nice school, with great staff and benefits. It was comfortable ... predictable and I was grateful to have the position. Yet, I left that behind and took a chance on essentially starting at the bottom rung of the ladder here in Ottawa.

Here I am today, working as a substitute Educational Assistant ... hoping at some point to get hired full time at a nice school.

Working as a substitute E A has it's good points - there is variety: going from school to school, I get to meet a lot of people and find out what many of the schools are like. I don't mind have days that I don't work: we don't really need the money, and on those days there are other things I can do around the house to stay productive. One of the things I love about visiting new schools is discovering other educators who are passionate about doing good things.

Recently in a staff room, I came across a poster
that I though was worth sharing -

21 Suggestions for Living Wisely and Well
  1. Teach by example.
  2. Bless every day with a generous act.
  3. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
  4. Do something every day that maintains good health.
  5. Take family vacations whether you can afford them or not.
  6. Stand up for your principles even if you stand alone.
  7. Judge your success by the degree that you’re enjoying peace, health and love.
  8. Be there when people need you.
  9. Be devoted to your spouse and dedicated to your children.
  10. Be of service to your community and your country.
  11. Have courage when things go wrong.
  12. Tell the truth.
  13. Maintain your resources wisely.
  14. Be satisfied, don’t grumble.
  15. Don’t overlook life’s small joys while searching for big ones.
  16. Discover the power of prayer.
  17. Discover the power of forgiveness.
  18. Love people more than things.
  19. Look for the good.
  20. Search for the truth.
  21. Hope for the best.
By: H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

I love seeing good people do good things. The world is full of them,
and thank goodness ... People who care, who are nurturing, intelligent and positive. I am drawn to them, and look for opportunities to learn from them. I strive to be one of them wherever possible, and know that character and attitude are far more important than homework and assignments.

I really enjoy some of the people I have been working with lately ...
wonderful staff and great children. I sometime feel like I might have the best job in the world.

There are usually hidden opportunities in change. Leaving comfort and predictability might be difficult, but the rewards are often wonderful ...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

dealing with stress

Here are some top tips on how to effectively combat stress-

Stay Organized

Find ways to keep things where you can find them.
Scrambling to find things creates unnecessary, avoidable stress.
Investigate solutions to organizational challenges.

Seek Balance in Your Life

If you are overworked and run down, you can become sick.
If you are sick, you will be unable to rise the challenges in your life.
Do what you need to do to take time to rest and play along with all the work you do. How you manage your downtime will help you be at your best during up time. Take the time to recharge and rejuvenate.

Don't Focus on Negative Things

Life may present us with problems, but obsessing on them only makes them more of a burden.
Recognize them, acknowledge them and move on.
Look for positive things in your life that bring you happiness.
Be grateful for supportive friends and the wonderful things around you that bring you joy.
Contemplate sources of happiness in your world.

Surround Yourself With Support

Seek out people who are healthy for you.
Friends and loved ones who care for you want to help, enjoy the opportunity to help. Often talking with someone can go a long way in sharing the burden.
Avoid people who are negative and destructive or minimize contact with them if possible.

Take Good Care of Yourself

Eat properly ... nutritious, healthy foods are the fuel that will help keep you functioning at your best. look at the things you are putting in your body ... they affect your body chemistry and make a big difference in how you cope with stress and rise to the challenges of your world.
Exercise ... find activities you enjoy to help you stay active and perform at your best. Exercise helps us feel alive and rise to the expectations life will present us. Take the stairs instead of the elevator ... go for walks, or find some other outlet to increase your physical activity.
Invest in yourself ... make the time to do the things that you need to do for you, so you can be at your best ... healthy and strong.
Be your biggest supporter ... use positive affirmations to reinforce the good things in your life.

Stress is inevitable. Life presents us challenges daily ... some small, and some huge. How well we cope with stress depends on how well we’ve prepared ourselves for life’s bumps and bruises.
Investing in yourself empowers you to conquer the challenges and be at your best. Believe in yourself … you have what it takes to minimize and overcome stress.

Stay healthy and arm yourself with the necessary tools to thrive.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Every day we are given several choices. Our lives are cluttered and busy, and we are constantly presented with challenges and opportunities.

We experience happiness, disappointments, frustrations, joy ... we discover, perceiver, observe and wind through the responsibilities of our day.

From the moment we get up to start our day until the moment we fall back asleep 17 or 18 hours later, we set the tone within us. Our attitude colours our reactions, and our intentions reverberate to those around us. Everywhere we go there is an opportunity to make the world a better place.

As we encounter our challenges throughout the day we can focus on the frustrations involved, or we can focus on the opportunity to improve some small aspect of the world. We have the choice to focus on the energy of a task, or the repercussions of our accomplishments.

What we focus on throughout our day makes things easier or harder for us, and those near us. If we carry with us intentions of caring, warmth and patience, those around us sense that, and are more receptive. When we focus on happiness and friendliness, all who we come in contact with see that within us.

Our realities are ultimately shaped by ourselves. If we live in a world of conflict and confrontation, the stress becomes a burden and life miserable. If we carry with us an air of smiles and joy, our world becomes a happy warm, place.

What we focus on throughout the day can make all the difference.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

old friends

Today I will be having coffee with an old friend who happens to be in town for a short time.

I am different person today than I was 30 years ago. With the passage of time we evolve. We learn from mistakes, experience life's bumps and bruises, make adjustments and change. The things we've done and the places we've been help make us who we are today. Our roots are a reflection of parts of us.

I have many happy memories from my youth, and some not so happy. I was blessed to have made some great friends back then. They added so much to my world, and I am glad to have spent those years with them.

I don't live in the past ... anyone who does robs time from the present, but it's nice to spend time with old friends once in a while. It's comforting in a way to be reminded that there are people on this earth that you have that special shared past with.

Most of us want to feel connected. Thank goodness for old friends, and the happy memories that can come from seeing them.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

life long learning

This weekend I will be taking the second course in a series of eight, as I pursue a Certificate in Web Design. It's not a huge undertaking, but I will have the paper at the end, and the courses will reinforce knowledge previous learned elsewhere.

I believe we are never to old to learn. I enjoy opportunities to grow and improve. Even if I am at a class where the material is familiar to me, there are opportunities to learn, grow, improve or absorb something missed previously.

In the past I have attended courses covering many different areas of interests. Some areas revealed my lack of suitability for the coursework being covered. Even this is a learning experience. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

In the world of Information Technology, change and evolution are inevitable. Old skills and knowledge become less useful as technologies are updated, so staying current is essential.

I have enjoyed the world of computing since the 80's. Through the years, I have updated my skills and enjoy the challenges involved. I recognized the potentials of the technologies a long time ago, and hope to continue learning the newest skills to be effective. Using current tools, I can improve my services for clients and be more successful.

Knowledge is power, and education helps keep us vital and informed.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

turning points

I am glad to be where I am today. My life is good and I am a lucky man. When I think about my past, I can't help but recognize certain times when aspects of my life changed.

In my junior high years, my life took a turn for the better. I remember being overweight and insecure ... a bit of a lost soul. Thank goodness for kind hearted, caring people in the world.

One of the teachers at school took me under his wing. He had a little jogging club after school, and invited me to join. I knew that being overweight had to be dealt with, so I used the opportunity to help burn calories. Before you knew it. I had lost about a hundred pounds. I felt better about myself, and my life took a turn towards the better. It wasn't long after, that I began forging friendships with some pretty wonderful people that I still know today.

Meeting Janice was another huge event as well. I am so lucky to have found someone so warm, caring and wonderful as her. I hope I never take her for granted, and look forward to our years ahead together.

Things happen in our lives when we are open to them. If we sit at home, hiding from life, you can bet that not much can change. But if we are out there, living life, trying things and interacting with others, the possibilities are wonderful.

Whether you want to call it fate, luck, destiny, chance, divine intervention or something else ... you never know what's around the corner in life. One thing's for certain, possibilities abound if we want them to be.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

public school

One of the hats I've worn over the past twenty years has been as an Educational Assistant at various schools. I have worked with a wide range of students, from kindergarten to Grade 12, and enjoy working in schools. I have been lucky enough to work with many talented, caring teachers, and think it's wonderful that there are so many teachers working so hard to help young people grow and learn.

Today was spent mainly with grade one students for me, and it was wonderful. At this grade level there is much music and smiles, play and joy, learning and growth. For much of my career, I have enjoyed working with older students, and to rediscover the joy of the younger grades is wonderful.

I love how the younger kids are so filled with happiness and energy. It inspires me to see wonderful teachers leading them into knowledge, growth and being better citizens.

I remember how difficult the younger years were when I was a student. It wasn't until high school that Í found any real friends or enjoyable activities. Most of my earlier years were filled with less than fond memories. I hope that I can help here and there. I hope that I can be an advocate and a role model.

It's nice to be doing such important work, and enjoying what you do.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


The leaves are changing.

It's time to put the summer things away and slide into the cooler weather.

The change of seasons is an opportunity to see some of the many wonderful colours of mother nature.

This time of year always seams to zip by pretty quickly.
zing ... it's Halloween ...
zing ... it's Christmas ...
zing ... it's New Years ...

Here are some lovely pictures taken from last weekend's outings at Wakefield, Dow's Lake, The Rideau Canal and Gatineau Park.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

life is full of comprimises

Ottawa is a wonderful city, with a lot to offer. It is a joy to live here ... that being said, there are a few things I miss after moving here from Winnipeg eight months ago.

The Forks ... There is something almost magical about The Forks. I can't put my finger on it, but it feels good to be there. I have cycled around there many times ... down the river walk ... over the Riel Esplanade Bridge. We have many beautiful places here in Ottawa like The Byward Market, but I still miss The Forks.

Groove FM ... I was surprised to see that there is no dedicated FM radio station here for Jazz. Winnipeg's Groove FM provides jazz lovers great tunes 24/7. I believe I heard a few weeks ago that there was an application to put a blues radio station on the FM airwaves here ... that would be nice; but I still miss my Groove FM.

Honey Dill Dipping Sauce ... I have looked long and hard, but alas I have been unable to find my beloved sauce anywhere here. In the 'Peg I used to get it at Safeway, but there are no Safeway's around here. I'd like to thank Cindy for bringing some from Manitoba for her visit here.

You can't have everything. Life is full of trade offs and compromises. I believe in thinking positive. It's healthier to spend your energies dwelling on things that will bring a smile to your face rather than bring you down. That doesn't mean I never think about some of lifés shortcomings and compromises. I try to recognize them and move on not dwelling on them ... In the end, it's often best to focus on the good things ... Enjoy what's around us and be grateful for life's riches.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

these are a few of my favourite things

Today, Janice and I were out and about on our bikes, and we had stopped so she could go into a store for moment, when I found myself looking adoringly at my bike. Cycling has brought me much pleasure over the years, and I am glad my Oryx is with me here now ... showing me Ottawa and all it's beauty. My bike helps keep me healthy and active, and I'd have to say it's one of my top three possessions.

About four years ago I found myself at a crossroads. No longer did I have a wife, two kids and a dog to cart around, and it was silly that I still had my mini-van. It was time to find a more appropriate vehicle. After shopping around, I ended up getting my little Aveo. It's great on gas, peppy and can haul a lot more than you might think. My little yellow car was a good move, and I'd have to say it's probably in my top three as well.

I have always believed that staying organized helps one avoid stress. If I look back over the years, I can see a progression ... pocket calendar / address books, to data bank watches, to PDAs.
I use my personal digital assistant daily ... to store dates, times, addresses, pictures. It plays games, videos and music, it's a photo album, note taker, document storage device. My Palm TX keeps me on track every day, and I'd be lost without it.

I try not to be too materialistic. I've come to learn that stuff really isn't that important in the bigger picture. That being said, I am grateful for some of the wonderful things in my life that improve things for me. We live in a time where technology empowers us, and I know I am lucky to be able to be living here now, enjoying all the things life has to offer.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

positive affirmations

I am healthy and happy.

This is the phrase I focus on today. I have used positive affirmations for years. In many ways we create our own realities. We have our battles, our challenges ... how we react to them shapes our happiness and resilience. Today some of my struggles involve health and patience, so I use this affirmation to help me channel my energies in a more positive direction.

I am helpful and friendly.

I have used this affirmation to help me focus on being more approachable and effective at work. Male staff members in the schools can often be perceived as less understanding, less nurturing and sometimes more demanding in ways. I strive to be an advocate for students with my work as an Educational Assistant. I hope my presence assists staff and students as a positive role model. This affirmation can help me bring out some of the positive attributes within me in the workplace.

We attract things to us often by what we focus on. If a person pictures them self as successful and productive, they will often be just that. We have the power within ourselves to overcome obstacles and enjoy life.

Do you believe you can choose to be happy? What thoughts do you choose to spend your energies on? How do you picture your world today? Can you focus on a more positive part of your world?

Friday, September 4, 2009


We just returned from a lovely walk by Moonies Bay and Hogsback Falls. There is a hot air balloon festival on this weekend, and we saw several of them floating South as we walked. It was a gorgeous evening, and the moon was full. I couldn't help but think about the rivers and canals that help make Ottawa extra special.

We've only lived here for a few months, but had the pleasure of discovering wonderful paths by the canals and rivers, sandy beaches, islands, boat cruises and tours. Not long ago, Janice and I enjoyed a Regatta at Dows Lake.

This week I saw Petrie Island for the first time. Connected to the city by a little bridge, this small island has nice walking paths and beaches, and is one more little gem right here in the city.

This summer we have enjoyed bike rides by the Canal, walks by the lake and beach volleyball. There is something special about spending time near water ... perhaps it's more of a connection to nature.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

it's been a great summer

The weather is cooler these days, and the days are shorter ... September is around the corner and before you know it, Halloween and Christmas will be here. That's OK - the cooler weather signals a time for change, and change is good. It keeps life fresh and exciting.

I have really enjoyed travelling over the last few months. Our trips to Winnipeg, Montreal, Toronto ... Picton, Sandbanks, Kingston, Wakefield, have left me with many wonderful memories.

My volunteering experiences have been awesome. The Jazz Festival, The Blues Festival and The Folk Festival have helped me get to know Ottawa better, make new friends, and enjoy a lot of pretty fantastic music.

One of the best things about the last few weeks was being active. The many wonderful bike rides, volleyball games and walks with my sweetie really helped me enjoy the fresh air and sunshine.

Being Canadian means that winter is inevitable. Each season brings with it new opportunities. Soon it will be time to switch to indoor volleyball and prepare for the coming snow.

Now its time to get back to education and employment. It's all good.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Picton & Sandbanks

Last weekend, Janice and I escaped to Southern Ontario for 3 or 4 days. Janice saw that the weather was going to be hot and sunny, so we high tailed it to the Sandbanks area.

We stayed a nice little B & B in Picton that was fifteen minutes from the beach. This cute little town has a beautiful harbour ... our rear deck had a nice view of this, and it was a nice spot to have dinner or to sit relaxing for a bit after a day at the beach.

Picton also has several cool little shops and many old wonderful buildings steeped in history, with beautiful architectural details.

Sandbanks is on the North Shore of Lake Ontario. The beaches are in a Provincial Park that also has camping facilities and is a popular get away for residents of Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto and the surrounding area.

Janice and I returned after our visit a little sunburned, with sweet memories, refreshed and looking forward to returning here again soon.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

the grass is always greener ...

I've never enjoyed mowing the lawn. I've always thought of it as a waste of time and energy. I am not a big fan of the typical North American yard expectations ... most people seem to have the mindset that grass is a standard expectation in one's yard.

From what I know of grass, it's mainly ornamental ... and doesn't really serve any other practical purpose. We maintain our lawns because we always have ... it's the norm.

I believe in diversity and creativity. I love seeing yards that have alternative ideas in ornamentation ... using rocks, plants, lights and fountains. When tastefully done, they look great and often require little or no maintenance.

In my last house, I was expected to cut my lawn in the back yard AND the grass between the sidewalk and the curb beside my house ... not my property, the city's, yet I was responsible for keeping the grass mowed.

In Winnipeg it was easier to maintain a decent lawn ... here in Ottawa we now have the strictest chemical laws in North America, AND there are these burrowing creatures called Grubs that make the lawns very lumpy and bumpy.

Some day I'd love to have a no - maintenance yard, but for now I will have to suck it up and cut the grass every 2 weeks. For consolation, I remind myself that I am lucky. I am lucky to be living here with a lawn to cut. I am grateful to have my cordless electric mower and the opportunity to get a little exercise and sunshine.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

cycling adventures

Janice and I love exploring on our bikes. Yesterday we enjoyed a ride through Gatineau on the other side of The Ottawa River. Along the way, we stopped for a bite on a little island park.

There is nothing like the feeling of freedom, zipping around, exploring the world on bikes. you see, hear and smell things; the sunshine and fresh air make you feel alive, and get to know the world around us.

Janice often takes her bike to work, instead of the car. Most of the city is accessible to us by bike ... it is a healthy, eco-friendly way to get around. Janice and I actually had our first date cycling around Birds Hill Park two summers ago.

Ottawa is very bike friendly, with a multitude of bike lanes and paths to explore ... along the canals and rivers, through the parks and neighbourhoods. We look forward to exploring many more wonderful rides.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

the journey vs. the destination

Janice and I just returned from Toronto, where we went to see Coldplay at Rogers Center. I have been a fan of this band for a long time, and was looking forward to hearing them live. Toronto is only half a day away, and I purchased the tickets three months ago.

Travelling between here and Toronto, we have a few options; we can take the fast route via the highways (like the 401), or we can travel the countryside on smaller highways that take us through
smaller towns ... the latter choice taking a bit longer.

The concert itself was a bit disappointing ... the acoustics from where we sat were horrible, and we didn't even stay until the end of the show. Coldplay put on a great show, but I suspect that Rogers Center is just not a great venue for music.

It was still a nice little two day getaway, with a decent hotel room, a cool trip on the subway, quaint little towns and picturesque villages. The weather was good, and we enjoyed the excursion overall.

I try to look at the bigger picture, and not focus so much on one bad thing wherever possible. I am lucky to be with Janice, and enjoy travelling with her, seeing the world together, experiencing fun and frolic here, there and everywhere. Not everything everywhere all the time can be perfect ... but dwelling on disappointment only makes things worse.

Friday, July 24, 2009

a visit to Montreal - just for laughs

I haven't spent too much time in Montreal, but what time I have spent there has been great. It is a very creative, gritty, down to earth, eclectic, metropolitan, interesting city. It is alive with colour, sound, sidewalk cafes and a refreshing open minded atmosphere.

Janice and I spent an evening there earlier this week at The Just For laughs Festival. We attended a Gala (5 or 6 comedians at a theatre, taped for broadcast at a later time), saw street performances, had pizza and beer on St-Denis Street ... it was wonderful.

The festival really is a great way to get a taste of the city. It shows it's creativity and artistic side in a way that only Montreal can. Slightly bizarre at times ... circus like and wild; loud, amusing and witty.

We will be returning again for more on the weekend, and look forward to going again next year as well.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Blues Festival

For the last two weeks, Ottawa's Cisco Blues fest has been on at Lebreton Flats. With more than five stages to choose from, the variety of musical acts gives you many choices. It should really be called Music Fest and not Blues Fest - as the bulk of the big names are not blues acts.

I volunteered this year at the festival for 3 shifts at the Wired tent, providing beverages for festival goers. This was a good opportunity to get my feet wet in this huge event, so that next year my experience might prepare me for a better volunteer position.

Volunteering allowed me to see a few acts as well ... Our Lady Peace, Jeff Beck, The Zombies, Alan Parsons Project and more ... not a bad little perk for volunteering. I also got to know a little more of the city, and made a few new friends.

Next year, I hope to be part of the Transportation team ...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

beach volleyball

Today I am playing at the HOPE Volleyball SummerFest ... Ottawa's largest beach volleyball event. It's another one of those win-win things that I love so much. I get to play beach volleyball, get some exercise and fresh air, meet some new people and raise money for charity at the same time.

The weather forecast for today calls for showers and thundershowers, so I am a little dissapointed with mother nature. I can't control the weather, so I will try and focus on being grateful that I won't have to worry about a sunburn today :P There is no point in focusing on poor weather ... all that does is help embed in your mind the negative feelings and disappointment, making it worse.

I will be playing with a few people today that I have not met. Many of my team mates today haven't played for years. Since we are playing in the recreational division (and not the competitive) I hope no one is expecting too much of us today ... let's just get through the day without any injuries and try to have fun ...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day

It's Canada's 142nd birthday today.

I'm lucky to live here and proud to call Canada my home.

We live in the second largest country in the world. For me, it's beauty and diversity have always kept this country an exciting, warm place to live.

During my three day trip to Ottawa from the prairies in December, I remember the rugged Canadian Shield and the friendly people I met on my journey.

I have been lucky enough to see much of this beautiful land, and have fond memories of seeing many wonderful places.

Canada is a wonderful place to work, play and live. I cannot imagine living anywhere else, and love it here.

Happy birthday Canada!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Jazz festival

Since moving to Ottawa in January, I have looked for opportunities to get to know the city - it's streets, it's culture, it's people. One way to do this, I thought, was to volunteer at a summer festival or two.

Some people might think it's a crazy idea to volunteer to be a driver for a festival after just moving to a city, but I thought that this would be an excellent way to learn how to get around ... some of the greatest learning opportunities happen when you force yourself to walk out to the very edge and challenge yourself.

OK -it's not quite that tough ... let's face it, Ottawa is well laid out and relatively easy to get around, and my trusty GPS helps when needed, so it's not rocket science.

I have volunteered to work with the transportation end of the Ottawa Jazz Festival, and it's awesome. I am learning to navigate the city more and more, and enjoying some fantastic music to boot. One more benefit - meeting the musicians and driving them to and from their hotels to sound checks, the airport, and such. It rocks : )

Yesterday I had the honour of picking up SMV to take them from their hotel to their sound check. Stanley Clarke, Marcus Miller and Victor Wooten are three of the most accomplished base players in the world. I used to listen to Stanley Clarke and Marcus Miller, many years ago, late at night on CBC when Ross Porter would play incredible jazz on the radio to the joy and delight of jazz lovers still up in wee hours.

I thought I'd put some classic Grover Washington Jr. on the CD player as we rolled through the downtown to Confederation Park. Stanley and Marcus started talking about the Washington cut playing low in the background, and David Sanborn, and about the whole smooth jazz movement, when it started and the whole scene. It was incredible for me to be there, listening to this. I was in awe of the calibre of talent in the vehicle, and to be within earshot of this conversation ... sweet : )

When we arrived at the park and the gentlemen left the vehicle, Victor shook my hand and thanked me for the ride ... he impressed me as a really warm, generous man who was friendly and down to earth.

Later that evening, Janice and I caught the concert in the park. I had heard the music of Stanley and Marcus over the years, but was unfamiliar with Victor's talents. He was incredible ... truly a world class talent that has the chops to shine with the best of them.

The concert was most excellent, and as we enjoyed the incredible tunes outside in the park that evening, I couldn't help thinking I had stumbled into possibly the best volunteer gig possible.

The festival has just started. Next week I have several more shifts that I look forward to.

I have a feeling that in the years to come, volunteering for this festival will become a regular fixture in the landscape of my summer adventures.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


On the twenty first of this month I will celebrate another birthday.

Time marches on. and I am older and wiser. I like who I have become and where I am, and remember younger days when I felt lost and unsure. I believe am where I am partly due to fortunate circumstances, partly due to luck, and partly due to effort.

I doubt I would be here without love and support from family and friends. I am also confident that what we put out to the universe comes back to us.

There was a time when I thought that birthdays were just another day ... that every day should be a passionate celebration of life. This belief may have stemmed from pumped up hopes of grand birthday celebrations ... only to be disappointed (most but not all years). Of course - when any event is hyped to an unreasonable point - it leads to a let down.

These days I believe that every day has opportunities for joy and memories, special moments and wonderful potential.

We are what we do, what we think, who we spend time with.

On the weekend I will celebrate with friends, mini - golf and pizza.

I feel like my life is worth celebrating now, more than I ever have before.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

adjusting nicely, thank you

I arrived here in Ottawa five months ago. I remember driving into the city ... coming down Carling Avenue in rush hour and feeling exhilarated and a little lost. Ottawa is a little bigger than Winnipeg, and I did not know the city at all really.

Thank goodness for my GPS. It has come in handy many times. It's not perfect, but it is a valuable navigation tool that has helped me find my way around.

As I revisit various areas, I become more confident and comfortable with the city. Janice and I are fairly active, and this ends up taking us out and around often.

Ottawa has a lot to offer ... and we are out there exploring and discovering and playing.

Last night we enjoyed a play at The National Arts Centre downtown. After, we walked a few blocks to enjoy a beer at The Royal Oak. It was a beautiful summery evening.

My favourite beer in Winnipeg was Fort Garry Dark, and it has been a challenge to find anything comparable here so far ... but last night I enjoyed a Waterloo Dark. It was good : )

Earlier this week, I enjoyed an evening of beach volleyball at Britannia Beach ... the beautiful sunset and awesome weather were a wonderful treat.

I am so glad we came here ... the weather, volleyball, cycling, theatre, music, travel opportunities, and so much more. Ottawa is a vibrant city that promotes healthy active lifestyles ... and as the years have passed this has become more import to us.

I feel happy and alive ... and it is truly wonderful.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

win win

Today, Janice and I played volleyball at the SPIKE volleyball tournament.

It was an awesome sunny day ... not too hot, and great for volleyball. Our team was a collection of mainly rag tag players who were there mainly to have fun, and we somehow managed to finish second.

Tomorrow I may be a little stiff and sun burnt, but today was fun, and it feels good to do something nice for people who may need a little help. There are lots of people out there like that (unfortunately) and I am glad to assist the cause.

I love stuff like this - doing something I enjoy with people who I want to be with, getting exercise and fresh air, while raising money for charity at the same time ... sweet.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


the world is a big beautiful place

there are so many wonderful places to visit

One of the great things about Ottawa is it`s proximity to many other wonderful adventures.

Toronto is nice and close. New York is only a hop skip and jump away. Recently Janice and I went for a nice little day trip to Montreal.

Only 2 hours away, Montreal offers beautiful architecture, outdoor cafes, and much more. On this little outing we visited parts of Old Montreal ... looking at the beautiful buildings and wandering through shops and cobblestone streets.

We enjoyed a picnic lunch in the park as horsed drawn carriages went by ... later in the afternoon we stopped for a beer at a roof top restaurant.

This was my first trip to Montreal, and I look forward to returning to see more...

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Lately I've been lucky enough to be working with young kids in schools.

Grade two classes and kindergarten kids have something that most of us seem to lose somewhere along the way. It's promise. Promise of potential.

The future is unwritten for them, and the potential limitless.
As time passes for us, we become who we are. Our experiences shape us.

For the very young, it is more of a blank slate.

I love the opportunity to be encouraging and patient. I am honoured to be able to assist and participate in the process of their development. It is a joy, and I know that it's a chance to perhaps occasionally make a small positive impact.

I like who I am as an adult. I am happy with where I have come, and who the person that I am maturing into; and working with children is a beautiful compliment to that in ways.

Sometimes, I remember snapshots from my youth ... good (and not so good), and it inspires me to look for positive opportunities.

I am enjoying working as an Educational Assistant, and I hope that I might be lucky enough to land a permanent position at a nice elementary school not to far in the future.

Friday, May 15, 2009

I am a wealthy man

On days like today, I can't help but count my blessings.

Th sun is shining, I'm healthy and things are great.

I feel like I'm a wealthy man ... not financially, but in other, more important ways.
The bills are paid, there's food in the kitchen and summer is around the corner.
I live in a nice house, in a great neighbourhood, in a fantastic city.

It's like my life is coming into balance.

But ... what really makes me truly wealthy is Janice.
Nothing can bring one peace, joy and happiness as a loving supportive partner.

I am a lucky, lucky man.

Friday, May 8, 2009


I am working again as an Educational Assistant.

It feels good. It's nice to feel like I am contributing again ...
helpful and productive.

It's on a casual basis right now, but it's a step in the right direction.

Today I worked at a high school, and earlier in the week I was assisting at an Elementary School.

I am confident that at some point in the future, a wonderful opportunity will allow me to secure a more permanent position.

Working makes one appreciate down time more. The evenings and weekends become a time to recharge and relax. It puts things back into balance. We appreciate leisure time more when we work.

Also - tomorrow I will be shadowing a Dee Jay at an Ottawa music service ... he will school me in the ins and outs of their way of providing recorded music as I prepare to join them to play on Saturday nights.

I am looking forward to Dee Jaying again ... it's something I am good at, and enjoy ...
it feels good to be able to provide quality entertainment at important events such as weddings.

It will be a good opportunity to get to know the city better, and experience new adventures as well.

Things are falling into place...

Friday, May 1, 2009


I like how one thing leads to another sometimes.

I was organizing some of my online bookmarks a couple of days ago, and came across a link to a site that allows users to construct their family tree.

So ... I've started to plug in family members and some of the information needed. It's a bit of hunt at times, trying to fill in dates and places ...

The process has also stirred up memories of my parents who passed on years ago ... stirring memories from my childhood ... and as I add some of their connections to the family tree I try to imagine Europe and the origins of some of my relatives.

It is an interesting learning experience ... clarifying connections and preserving important information for others.

I look forward to finding out a little more about some of the people I am connected to as the tree evolves.

Friday, April 24, 2009

the joy of discovery

One of the attractive things about moving to Ottawa was new adventures ... new sites to see and new things to do.

Janice and I went for a nice bike ride today that took us on a path down by the river to The Hogs Back Falls.

These are a series of artificially-created waterfalls on the Rideau River. The falls are located just north of Mooney's Bay and the point where the Rideau Canal, splits from the Rideau River.

It was a beautiful spring day ... we rode in shorts and T-shirts ...

It was an awesome afternoon that left us with some wonderful memories.

Friday, April 17, 2009


It's mid April ... 19 degrees Celsius above today ... I have to do a little raking.

I don't mind - we don't have a huge yard, and it's a good opportunity to get a little exercise and sunshine.

More importantly ... I am grateful to have a nice home, and tasks such as vacuuming and raking are reminders of how lucky I am.

It's a beautiful day to be outside.

Earlier this week, Janice and I went for our first bike ride of the year. Ottawa is fairly bike friendly - with many streets having a dedicated bike lane. There are many wonderful paths, parks and green spaces that we look forward to exploring this spring and summer.

... and then there's volleyball - Tuesday and Sunday nights ... it's fun and great way to stay in shape. It will be nice to shed a few of those winter calories.

... AND - last weekend Janice and I went to Toronto and enjoyed a visit with some of her relatives and some of my relatives. It's great having them within a few hours away.

Yah baby : )

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

find a sense of purpose

This may be my biggest challenge presently.

Yes - I have helped to provide a clean home ...
Yes - I am supportive of my partner ...
Yes - I actively search for employment opportunities ...
Yet, I know that the possibilities to contribute to society more are boundless.

I am not just looking for a job, I am looking for the opportunity to do something really well.
To take pride and sparkle with enthusiasm.
To be active, energetic and productive.

Passion in life comes from a sense of purpose.

I look forward to the opportunity to enjoy the vitality of
the working world again soon.

Friday, April 3, 2009


If there was one quality that I'd have to say was worth working on for most of us, it would be patience.

Every day there seem to opportunities where we need to just take a deep breath, smile and focus on relaxing.

In line at the grocery store, stuck in stop and crawl traffic, or in dealing with people who are oppositional and rude ... there is no point in letting yourself get stressed out - all that can do is make things worse ...

I remain between jobs ... but will continue to be optimistic.
I could focus on the negative parts of this,
but know that this would not help.
Somewhere out there is meaningful work for me.

It will all fall into place : )

Friday, March 27, 2009

comfort zones

This last week was a little bit trying for me. I have been training to get my B class driver's license ... this will open up a few more employment possibilities for me.

The process naturally involves study, practise, patience, effort ... anything of value takes effort.

The last few days I've been a little under the weather as well, so often my lack of concentration, energy level and reaction time were disappointing.

It's easy to be good at something we know well. Learning new skills and pushing one's self can be a little more stressful.

Can you teach an old dog new tricks? I hope so.

Next week should go better. I will be healthier, and with study, practise and persistence I will achieve my goals.

I have what it takes, will spend the time and energy preparing and will be successful.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Vernal equinox

It's the first day of spring.

The sun is shining, there's food in the fridge ... life is good.

On a day like today, I can't help but feel hopeful. Having survived another Canadian winter, I look forward to bike rides, volleyball, and summer sunshine.

One thing I've noticed about this part of the country ... the birds. The songs of the birds here are beautiful ... there seems to be more of them here, which might be due to more green space. On some of the walks I've taken, I've noticed the birds ... they sound wonderful.

Much of the snow is gone here. It won't be long before we can put away the snow shovel and get out the lawn mower ...

Friday, March 13, 2009

in between jobs

Job hunting here is like anywhere else in many respects. It takes patience, perseverance and a positive can - do attitude. It's a rough time to be looking for a job, with unemployment high and the the economy in recession mode. It can be hard to remain optimistic.

I know I have a lot to offer. Many of my former co-workers and employers have let me know that I have talents and can accomplish many good things. Any employer will be lucky to have me.

While looking for employment your self esteem can often take a bit of a beating. If you focus on all the positions you are not qualified for, it can be pretty discouraging. It's important to remember your talents.

My communication skills, experience with information technology and positive attitude are qualities can be valuable in many jobs. My reliability, patience and creativity make me an asset as a co-worker and an asset in the workplace.

The glowing comments in the references I have show that I am well worth hiring. I know that often finding the right job involves timing, luck or knowing someone.

I look forward to be an active member of the work force again soon. It won't be long before I can feel satisfaction from a job well done, taking pride in my contributions, being successful and feeling more productive.

I know it won't be long ... good things are right around the corner.

Friday, March 6, 2009

spring is around the corner

Winter in Canada can be harsh. The cold and wind can chill you to your bones. Often we can be tempted to hide indoors and avoid having to deal with outdoor activities until it gets nicer out.

We Canadians are pretty rugged, though. As a young prairie boy, I grew up playing hockey outside even on the ugliest of days. There have been many times when the howling wind and the extreme temperatures have made the wind chill dangerous to spend time with any skin exposed .

The cold winters help us truly appreciate the summers here. There is nothing like feeling the sunshine on a beautiful summer day after enduring another Canadian winter.

It's March now, and the worst of the Winter weather is behind us. Ahead lies bike rides, walks in the park and exploring Ottawa's outdoor concert scene.

Life is full of good times and happy memories. It can't all be sunshine and good times ... if it were we wouldn't appreciate it as much. Sometimes remembering that better times are ahead helps us get through the not so good times.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I am the master of my destiny

I have a "widget" on my blog page that generates daily affirmations ... todays read "I am responsible for my life and always maintain the power I need to be positive and have joy".

This is a very powerful reminder to myself that I am the captain of my ship.

Sure, often life throws things at us that we might not be too pleased with ... but most of the time we can choose how we react to those things. We have the power within us to focus on the positive; to direct our energies to more constructive pursuits.

I refuse to be a victim and simply accept sorrow, heartache and disappointment. These things simply bring stress and unhappiness to a person's life. I reject them, and make the choice of smiling and working on positivity.

My life is filled with beautiful, wonderful things ... I am a very lucky man ... and I have the power to do good things and bring joy.

I am where I am today largely by choice, and I can continue to choose the path of my own making.

Monday, February 16, 2009

a turning point

Today the last of the empty moving boxes were taken away, and I can't help but feel like it's a momentous occasion of sorts. With everything unpacked and for the most part in place, hopefully the house can slowly become more like home.

The office still needs some organizing and some of the rec room has to be taken care of too ... there are still pictures to be hung and a few other things to do, but for the most part we are moved in.

I went for a walk today through the neighbourhood ... I love the parks and pathways nearby - lots of green spaces ... as I was walking by the nearby community centre, I noticed the large park behind it, and decided to to explore it a bit. I followed a path through it that took me to another

neighbourhood, and found myself walking down streets I hadn't been down before. As I wandered around, I followed some other paths that took me through parks on my way back. I can't wait to explore these place by bike this summer!

This week I hope to apply for a few jobs as I finish organizing and setting up parts of the house ...

Monday, February 9, 2009

things fall in to place

Most of the unpacking has been done ... there are still a few boxes downstairs to be done, but they are non- essential items that can wait. the important areas of the house are, for the most part, in place ... the kitchen, the master bedroom, the living room and bath rooms ... they are are all functional and just need a little tweaking.

I have been here for a week now. At times I feel like a stranger in a strange place ... everything is new and unfamiliar ... I like it. Slowly I am getting to know more of the city. People here are friendly and have made me feel welcome.

There is nothing like a fresh start. It's a chance to explore new things and spread my wings a bit.

It's wonderful being here with Janice ... I hope I can add to her life like she has added to mine.

We have a few challenges ahead of us, be we have what it takes to thrive and prosper. I look forward to what's ahead ...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


As Janice and I combine our households, we know we have some adjusting to do.

In our new adventure, we look forward to being a supportive and caring couple, who want the best for each other. That being said, each of us brings to the new relationship a little bit of baggage from past relationships. We both have been married before, and had other relationships, and know what we don't want ... we are two individuals who are merging their lives. One of the great things about us is our ability to understand and respect each other.

In any successful relationship there needs to be compromise. Everyone has needs, and if enough of those needs are being met, the people in the relationship are usually motivated to continue the relationship.

As we have been unpacking, each of us has been discarding some of our stuff ... lets face it, you can't keep everything. It's another opportunity to simplify and de-clutter. Some things are going into storage, and some stuff to the goodwill.

We have had a year and a half to get to know each other and we have confidence that our future together will be wonderful. We communicate well with each other, respect and love each other, think the same way about many things, and enjoy many of the same activities.

We discuss decisions together. We've had a decent amount of time together to allow us to get to know each other's strengths and weaknesses.

I believe that my happily ever after began the day I met her.

Any relationship is what you make it. Our success relies on our ongoing commitment to each other. It's easy to be optimistic at the beginning of a relationship ... and we both know that good partnerships require a certain vigilance. As time goes on, many couples often end up taking each other for granted. One of our common goals is to remain an advocate for each other ... to stay strong in our new union, and continue to live, love and laugh together...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

moving in

before the movers came, we had a chance to do a little prep work

a first meal in our kitchen

are we having fun yet? : )

don't you just love all those boxes marked "misc"?

hiding amongst the boxes
hoping Janice doesn't find me
and put me to work :P

Monday, February 2, 2009


The movers will arrive shortly with our stuff and we will begin the process of unpacking soon ... setting up our home.

One of the good things about moving is that it can be a very cleansing experience.

As the years pass most of us seem to collect things. The more space you have, the more stuff you can collect. It was a nice feeling to let go of a few things during the last two moves ... it can be a freeing feeling to lessen the clutter - lighten the load.

I have come to realize that I am very lucky to have what I have. In some ways I have become spoiled with many conveniences and luxuries that enhance my lifestyle these days.

In the end, it's only stuff. What's really important is people. The people around you, the people we are lucky enough to spend time with and share life with ... and of course health. Physical, spiritual, emotional health. We have to take care of ourselves to set the stage for being at our best.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

it was a wonderful drive

I was really very lucky ... the weather in this part of Canada in winter can be pretty harsh, but I happened to take my trip at a good time. The roads were clear and dry, the days were sunny ... it was a nice journey.

Yesterday's drive was sweet. I was on the road at 9:00 am and loved the scenery. Around 11:00 am I pulled off the trans - Canada at a small community called Coniston for breakfast. There were two large tables of locals debating current issues over coffee at this older coffee shop ... it's nice to get a taste of the real community.

At about 3:00 pm, at Deep River, my radio started picking up Ottawa FM stations ... I knew that I was not far away. Just before 5:00 I found the traffic getting thicker, and before long I was in downtown Ottawa. I knocked on the door of my baby's hotel room ... when she opened the door I proclaimed "Honey - I'm home!" and enjoyed a hug and a kiss.

I love driving across this beautiful country. I am proud to live among the beauty and warmth of Canada. When I say warmth, I'm talking about the people ...

Janice and I will be here for about another week ... the movers should arrive with our belongings around the 2nd or so.

I look forward to living here. It's a beautiful city, and it is so nice to be with Janice live and in person ... Over the past few months she has been in Ottawa, and I have been in Winnipeg, and we have used the webcam to stay in touch ... Now we can move in to our house and begin a new wonderful chapter in our lives together ...

Monday, January 26, 2009

the last leg of my journey to Ottawa

Monday, January 26th
Segment: Auberge Eldo Inn, Blind River, Ontario to Ottawa, Ontario
Distance: 659.0km (409.5 miles)

I'll be staying with Janice at her downtown hotel for a few days
until we get possession of our house and the movers bring our stuff.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

northern Ontario

Driving through the Canadian Shield makes this trip a real joy. The rugged beauty can take your breath away.

On this second day of my journey I found myself taking so many pictures that I probably arrived at my motel ninety minutes later than I intended. I couldn't help it ... I found myself going "wow" and just had to share some of the beauty through pictures.

I took almost 200 pictures today ...
here are ones I thought were worth sharing

day two

Sunday, January 25th
Segment: Nipigon, Ontario to Auberge Eldo Inn, Blind River, Ontario
Distance: 730.6km (454.0 miles)

I'll be staying at The Auberge Eldo Inn

Saturday, January 24, 2009

day one of my three day drive

I was on the road before 8 am this morning ... it was sunny and cold ... my breakfast was eaten, and my 3rd cup of coffee was with me in the car. I was driving into the rising sun, and as I left town and headed east down the number one, I could help but think about how many times I'd come down this highway.

I have come this way many times ... to dropping papers for The Winnipeg Sun, to head out to The Whiteshell; to go for a trip to Kenora or camping ... but this time was different. This time I am not just going somewhere for a recreational visit ... I am driving to my new home.

Driving through the Canadian Sheild is so beautiful. The rocky pertrusions jutting out toward the sky ... curvy, hillier roads carved through the rocky land ... I love travelling by car - to see our beautiful Canada close up ... there is nothing like it.

I crossed into Ontario
just before 10 am;
and just past Upsala
2:34 pm became 3:34 pm.

By 6pm I had arrived at my motel ... one day down, and two to go ...

on my way East

January 24th, 25th, 26th
Winnipeg to Ottawa - Estimated Time: 30 hrs., 54mins.
Total Distance: 2200.2km (1367.2 miles)


Saturday, January 24rth
Segment: Winnipeg, Manitoba to Nipigon, Ontario
Distance: 810.6km (503.7 miles)

I'll be spending the night at The Beaver Motor Motel in Nipigon

Friday, January 23, 2009

good bye Winnipeg

It's been my home for many years. Anywhere I go in this town, I have memories of events and people. It's been a wonderful place to live and I've been lucky enough to forge some wonderful friendships here.

Tonight my brother and a few friends came out to say good bye, and it was real nice. We shared some memories and smiled about times past ... there is nothing like old friends to remind you about who you are, where you've been and why life is worth living.

I enjoyed a few Fort Garry Darks as we had a some laughs and reminisced ... I'll have to research the watering holes out there to try and find a worthy replacement.

On my way to the gathering, I couldn't help but drive by my high school and through the neighbourhood where many of my fondest memories come from.

I leave behind a wonderful place, but take with me a Winnipeg Warmth, and know that I have people here who I share memories with. They call it Friendly Manitoba for a reason ...

I look forward to making many new memories in Ottawa with Janice, and we will be back in the 'peg from time to time for visits ...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

yes I can

It had been a very long day. The movers come tomorrow to cart everything in my apartment away. I am exhausted, but there are still a few loose ends to take care of. I looked at the mop, bucket vacuum cleaner and attachments ... I had to take them down the stairs to my car. A little voice in my head told me that I'd never be able to make it downstairs with all that stuff in one trip. My voice of strength piped up and said
Yes I can.

This voice is not some random being within me ... it is a voice I have trained. Years ago I started to counter insecurities and negative thinking with an opposite, positive voice. This is an affirmation of all that is achievable. Can I change my negative thoughts to positive ones?
Yes I can.

We often predetermine the outcome of challenges before us (big and small). We decide ahead of time if we can or can't. We envision our success or failure. It is a very powerful thing. Harnessing energies within us like this has the potential to overcome that voice of doubt that sometimes pops up in our minds. Can I control my destiny?
Yes I can.

Instead of being your own worst enemy,
you can be your own super hero.

Picture your success. Focus on victory. Overcome those negative thoughts ... counter them with the positive ones. Be your own advocate; harness the strengths within you by countering the doubts and fears with that voice of strength within you. Can I become more successful more often?
Yes I can.

Friday, January 16, 2009

people who touch us

I am a very lucky man.

My life has been filled with many wonderful people. I have worked with talented, creative and caring individuals. I have been fortunate enough to get to know many warm, loving, interesting people in my life.

Others help us to grow and live a richer life. When I think back to all the wonderful things I've done and seen, it brings a smile to my face.

The friendships I've had have made my life a tapestry of beautiful places, ideas, fun times and new perspectives on the world. The shared memories of life and living connect us all to each other, and help to make us who we have become.

I look forward to the people I have yet to meet, and the places I have yet to see. I treasure the happy memories of people from the past, and relish the joy that I have been lucky enough to hold, and know that the world is filled with many more adventures to share with people I care about ...

Monday, January 12, 2009

what would make a man do such a thing?

Some people probably think I'm crazy.

I was in a very comfortable position. Jobs that were great ... as a Dee Jay with a good company, as a Teaching Assistant working with a wonderful staff at a good school with lots of seniority ... in a time that many consider financially scary ... to leave those jobs behind.

Winnipeg ... affordable living ... wonderful Grand Beach an hour away ... a very nice place to live. I know this city like the back of my hand. I have friends and family here ... dear, wonderful people that I relate to and care about. It has been home.

Why would I want to leave that behind? In many ways, I was living a very comfortable life with everything in place.

Well- two really big reasons ...

I was too comfortable. While Winnipeg is a wonderful place to live, I feel like I've seen and done pretty much everything. It's time to shake things up. A fresh start can revitalize life and renew me. Challenges can bring out the best in us ... it becomes an opportunity to grow. I want to grow and experience new discoveries. Ottawa impresses me a wonderful place to live. They take good care of this city.
Green space, bike paths ... a well maintained city with a rich variety of activity, not far from Toronto, Montreal, New York and some family (who I have not spent enough time with). I've been lucky enough to see much of Canada ... it's a wonderful country, and I've visited many places that I've enjoyed spending time in, but couldn't picture myself living there. Ottawa was different ... can see it being a wonderful place to hang my hat. Time to shake things up ...

Janice. I was lucky enough to meet Janice a year and a half ago. We randomly crossed paths, and found that we have much in common and make a great couple. She inspires me ... she is loving, warm, intelligent, fun, adventurous, attractive, caring and so much more ... I have done my fair share of dating, and know a good thing when I see one; she is a wonderful partner.

We make a great team ... we are supportive of each other, trust and respect one another, communicate well with each other, enjoy many of the same things ... I look forward to growing old with her.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

hello goodbye

I saw my family doctor today for the last time. He's been my doctor for many, many years and been through a fair bit together in some ways. The doctor - patient relationship can sometimes be a funny little dance ... a mix of trust, respect, judgment, caring ... I've been lucky to have him as my doctor and hope that the new M.D. I hook up with in Ottawa will be good as well.
I told him that this would likely be the last time I'd see him, as I was moving out to Ottawa at the end of the month. We chatted a bit about how nice it was out there... he has a daughter there and has been a couple of times. He has a warm smile and shook my hand, wished me all the best and said he was a little bit jealous. He's been a very good doctor and I'll miss him.
The good- byes are now starting to get to me a little. Yesterday, I saw my boss at Roadshow for what might be the last time as well. We also talked for a while ... he smiled, and said some very nice things about me; told me to keep in touch and wished me all the best.
A couple of weeks ago I said bye to my co-workers at school, and at that time felt more excited and focused on my upcoming Caribbean Christmas trip; but I know I will miss them as well ... there were several very caring, talented people that worked there, and they will not be forgotten.
The other night at a dinner with some good friends, I realized that I really treasured time with them, and that gatherings like that would probably be less likely after that night. It's not often you can connect with many people on such a level where a shared past bonds you to such a trusting, loving level of warmth. A friendship where you all are so comfortable with each other that you know you enjoy the opportunity to spend time together, and it will always be fun and friendly.
There are others here that I will remember fondly. I am lucky enough to have many happy memories of several wonderful people that I have come to know. We cross paths with others, and sometimes we are fortunate enough to share part of the journey ... these people enrich us and become part of us ... they help to make us who we are.
I know I'll be back to visit from time to time ... Janice and I have friends and Family here, and will be returning once or twice a year to see them; but there is no denying that there are a few folks here I will miss.