Friday, March 27, 2009

comfort zones

This last week was a little bit trying for me. I have been training to get my B class driver's license ... this will open up a few more employment possibilities for me.

The process naturally involves study, practise, patience, effort ... anything of value takes effort.

The last few days I've been a little under the weather as well, so often my lack of concentration, energy level and reaction time were disappointing.

It's easy to be good at something we know well. Learning new skills and pushing one's self can be a little more stressful.

Can you teach an old dog new tricks? I hope so.

Next week should go better. I will be healthier, and with study, practise and persistence I will achieve my goals.

I have what it takes, will spend the time and energy preparing and will be successful.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Vernal equinox

It's the first day of spring.

The sun is shining, there's food in the fridge ... life is good.

On a day like today, I can't help but feel hopeful. Having survived another Canadian winter, I look forward to bike rides, volleyball, and summer sunshine.

One thing I've noticed about this part of the country ... the birds. The songs of the birds here are beautiful ... there seems to be more of them here, which might be due to more green space. On some of the walks I've taken, I've noticed the birds ... they sound wonderful.

Much of the snow is gone here. It won't be long before we can put away the snow shovel and get out the lawn mower ...

Friday, March 13, 2009

in between jobs

Job hunting here is like anywhere else in many respects. It takes patience, perseverance and a positive can - do attitude. It's a rough time to be looking for a job, with unemployment high and the the economy in recession mode. It can be hard to remain optimistic.

I know I have a lot to offer. Many of my former co-workers and employers have let me know that I have talents and can accomplish many good things. Any employer will be lucky to have me.

While looking for employment your self esteem can often take a bit of a beating. If you focus on all the positions you are not qualified for, it can be pretty discouraging. It's important to remember your talents.

My communication skills, experience with information technology and positive attitude are qualities can be valuable in many jobs. My reliability, patience and creativity make me an asset as a co-worker and an asset in the workplace.

The glowing comments in the references I have show that I am well worth hiring. I know that often finding the right job involves timing, luck or knowing someone.

I look forward to be an active member of the work force again soon. It won't be long before I can feel satisfaction from a job well done, taking pride in my contributions, being successful and feeling more productive.

I know it won't be long ... good things are right around the corner.

Friday, March 6, 2009

spring is around the corner

Winter in Canada can be harsh. The cold and wind can chill you to your bones. Often we can be tempted to hide indoors and avoid having to deal with outdoor activities until it gets nicer out.

We Canadians are pretty rugged, though. As a young prairie boy, I grew up playing hockey outside even on the ugliest of days. There have been many times when the howling wind and the extreme temperatures have made the wind chill dangerous to spend time with any skin exposed .

The cold winters help us truly appreciate the summers here. There is nothing like feeling the sunshine on a beautiful summer day after enduring another Canadian winter.

It's March now, and the worst of the Winter weather is behind us. Ahead lies bike rides, walks in the park and exploring Ottawa's outdoor concert scene.

Life is full of good times and happy memories. It can't all be sunshine and good times ... if it were we wouldn't appreciate it as much. Sometimes remembering that better times are ahead helps us get through the not so good times.