Friday, November 6, 2009


Every day we are given several choices. Our lives are cluttered and busy, and we are constantly presented with challenges and opportunities.

We experience happiness, disappointments, frustrations, joy ... we discover, perceiver, observe and wind through the responsibilities of our day.

From the moment we get up to start our day until the moment we fall back asleep 17 or 18 hours later, we set the tone within us. Our attitude colours our reactions, and our intentions reverberate to those around us. Everywhere we go there is an opportunity to make the world a better place.

As we encounter our challenges throughout the day we can focus on the frustrations involved, or we can focus on the opportunity to improve some small aspect of the world. We have the choice to focus on the energy of a task, or the repercussions of our accomplishments.

What we focus on throughout our day makes things easier or harder for us, and those near us. If we carry with us intentions of caring, warmth and patience, those around us sense that, and are more receptive. When we focus on happiness and friendliness, all who we come in contact with see that within us.

Our realities are ultimately shaped by ourselves. If we live in a world of conflict and confrontation, the stress becomes a burden and life miserable. If we carry with us an air of smiles and joy, our world becomes a happy warm, place.

What we focus on throughout the day can make all the difference.

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